Christmas in Toyland

A most enjoyable family friendly film with a surprising amount of economic discussion.

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The Snow Report

Limited snow which plays no significant role in the movie.

Santa Sightings

This movie perhaps establishes the existence of Santas sister but only representatives of the big man appear.

Baubles, Lights and Tinsel

Good Christmas decorations immediately appear and become yet more extensive as the film proceeds.

Will It Make Me Cry?

Family friendly with no peril so unlikly to make you cry!

Sing Along

Fun festive music from the very beginning and continues throughout.

Cast Presents

Jesse Hutch is excellent and a glee cast member does not sing.

Cool Christmas

The economics of the toy shop are the central theme of the movie, which is just as well as they are remarkable!

Review Date: 10 Oct 2024 - Christmas in Toyland on IMDB and on Amazon.