Red One
An excellent movie with sensitive treatment of the Santa Claus and a surprising amount of comedy and family friendly action throughout.
The Snow Report
Significant amounts of snow are present at various times within the movie however the characters familiarity with it makes it useful.
Santa Sightings
Present throughout this is the actual Santa Claus who appears to conduct himself in accordance with air traffic control. The question of his fitness and suitability for his role is also considered with in the movie.
Baubles, Lights and Tinsel
An appropriate amount of festive decoration.
Will It Make Me Cry?
An excellent movie which is a lot of fun with limited amounts of peril and is just at the delight to watch.
Sing Along
If any criticism could be offered than a lack of a good singalong feature within the movie is perhaps the only oversight.
Cast Presents
The cast is excellent throughout though obviously the Rock steals alongside Captain America.
Cool Christmas
This movie includes extensive discussion of North Pole technology and its integration into everyday life. There is a significant contribution as to the practicalities of the Santa Claus delivery mechanism which is perhaps a novel take.