Fred Claus
This is a great movie. It is fun, with some clever moments and just lots of silliness. Well worth watching.

The Snow Report
Loads of it, all the time and it falls from the sky frequently.
Santa Sightings
He is in the whole movie both in actual form and images of him as well. There is a great moment where a dummy Santa has his head punched off and then later on a foot chase involving multiple Santa's.
Baubles, Lights and Tinsel
Baubles, lights and trees throughout and looks pretty good most of the time.
Will It Make Me Cry?
It will not make you cry, this is just fun.
Sing Along
Very festive, with choirs though is often Santa themed to the point of altercation within the movie. The version of silent night at the end is incredible.
Cast Presents
Vince Vaughn is great throughout as is Kevin Spacey. The sibling support group is good as well.
Cool Christmas
Babies first word are Ho, Ho take from that what you will; they then they cut down his favourite tree; the start of this movie is just great. It also turns out that there is a handbrake on Santa's sledge and that he has his own security service and DJ. Santa also goes GTA5 mid way through the movie as well.