Top 5 Christmas Gift Hunting Horrors

The top 5 Christmas Movie Gift moments of hunting, gathering and giving.

Its Christmas eve and all is still and then you realise, the forgotten gift. All chaos breaks loose and its time to rush to the shops. A familiar moment in many great Christmas movie and you sort of no it will all turn out ok. Here is the Christmas Movie Review Top 5 moments of out of hand Christmas gift gathering.

Home Alone 2

Kevin organises his gifts eventually but first he must, make the traps, save the day and protect the toy shop.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Gift Hunting Horrors, Home Alone 2 on IMDB and on Amazon.

Bad Santa

Some of the worst gift giving ever, especially considering they spend so much time in the shop!

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Gift Hunting Horrors, Bad Santa on IMDB and on Amazon.

Deck The Halls

It is some awkward giving, that see this movie in this list. When is a car not to big a gift? When you have not really bought it!

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Gift Hunting Horrors, Deck The Halls on IMDB and on Amazon.

Arthur Christmas

More of an issue of gift distribution, but can Santa ensure that ever one who should get a gift will get a gift in time?

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Gift Hunting Horrors, Arthur Christmas on IMDB and on Amazon.

Jingle All The Way

A film all about the crazy antics of a Dad trying to get the must have toy. While the ongoing fighting with the postman is great, the bad Santa fighting is almost certainly the highlight. Don't forget, don't leave gift buying to the last minute!

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Gift Hunting Horrors, Jingle All The Way on IMDB and on Amazon.