Top 5 Christmas Films With Resilient Transport

The Top 5 examples of resilient Christmas transport.

Christmas movies always feature lots of modes of transport, cars, trains, sledges, skis, ice skates and the surprisingly common skateboard. In many festive movies there seams to be a constant supply of transport related mishaps, trains just missed, airports closed, taxis that don’t stop and sledges that end up in skating ponds. This however is a list that celebrates those moments when the transports proves its self as resilient and just keeps on going. Here is Christmas Movie Review top five moments of Resilient Christmas Transport.


The snow falls and the public transport just keeps on going. There is also a skateboard which actually is quite a common feature in Christmas movies.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Films With Resilient Transport, Nativity! on IMDB and on Amazon.

All I Want for Christmas

While the passenger transport service of Ben and Jerrys is a less than ideal transport service it apparently does offer a prompt efficient service. The long distance Christmas Day taxi seems the most resilient part of the transport service.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Films With Resilient Transport, All I Want for Christmas on IMDB and on Amazon.

Holiday in Handcuffs

Lots and lots of snow throughout the movie, but it poses very little interruption to the characters of the movie.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Films With Resilient Transport, Holiday in Handcuffs on IMDB and on Amazon.

Deck The Halls

While the snow is plentiful through the movie it offers no obstruction to many car traveller's. Eventually the cast shift to the ultimate in Christmas resilient transport the sledge to great comic effect, though perhaps not as entertaining as the ice skating.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Films With Resilient Transport, Deck The Halls on IMDB and on Amazon.

The Polar Express

The ultimate is resilient transport the Polar Express is the one train that excels in the snow. Where other services would struggle to make it the polar express successful deals with broken tracks, obstructions and other unplanned interruptions. Now that's not to say that all goes exactly as planned but none the less if you need a train at Christmas the Polar Express is the ultimate Christmas Travel service.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Christmas Films With Resilient Transport, The Polar Express on IMDB and on Amazon.