Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos

The Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos!

Christmas Trees are meant to be fresh smelling, beautiful additions to the home designed to brighten up everything. Some are massive and others smaller but they often turn out to be a lot of hassle. Here is Christmas Movie Review top five moments of Christmas Tree Chaos.

Christmas Trade

The last minute rush for a Christmas tree is the catalyst, that drives our characters to utter a fateful wish.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos, Christmas Trade on IMDB and on Amazon.

Deck The Halls

Its rare for a Christmas tree to be set a light, but this film really goes to town with the burning of a whole set of Christmas trees.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos, Deck The Halls on IMDB and on Amazon.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Amends

The dying Christmas trees are the key to saving Sunnydale in this festive episode of Buffy.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Amends on IMDB and on Amazon.

The Christmas Tree

This is a movie all about a Christmas tree with a name who ends up outside the Rockefeller Centre as the symbol of Christmas.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos, The Christmas Tree on IMDB and on Amazon.

Christmas With The Kranks

While not the main part of this film in anyway the Christmas tree theft in this movie is one of my favourite moments and the worthy winner of this top 5.

Christmas Movie Review Movie Rating

Review Date: 09 May 2024 - Top 5 Moments of Christmas Tree Chaos, Christmas With The Kranks on IMDB and on Amazon.